I found a lump in my breast during a self examination about a month ago. There is nothing scarier than finding what you hope and pray won't ever be there. I rediscovered the tender lump
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5 tips to Get Motivated During Lock Down
5 tips to Get Motivated During Lock Down With South Africa officially on lock down for the last 8 days, I've seen many Facebook posts on how people are struggling to cope. Making small routine
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Vegan Proteins One of the first questions I'm asked when people learn that I'm a vegan is, "What about protein?" Its probably the most asked question after, "Don't you miss eating meat?" I'll be honest,
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Vegan Party Food Recipes Vegan sausage rolls from Hot for Food This hors d'oeuvres idea came about in our latest challenge video on YouTube... the vegan appetizer challenge! I am completely serious when I tell
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Vegan Cheesecake Recipes I love cheesecake, its probably my one vice. Finding vegan cheesecake recipes has been a huge triumph for me. I'm busy testing recipes that are diabetic friendly, but have yet to find
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Easy Vegan Braai Recipes I have discovered some easy vegan braai recipes to compliment our regular family braais. For my readers not in South Africa, a braai is the South African cook out or barbecue
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How do I go vegan? It's so intimidating, isn't it? I thought it was really going to be difficult to change the way I plan to eat. It actually hasn't been that hard to find
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How going Vegan is healthier A little over 2 weeks ago, I was invited to the Fry's Family Food Company's Heart Health Month event, held at Ashers Farm Sanctuary. What a great place to see
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The Hubby often refers to the compatibility of personality types and I haven't given it much thought until Noo, my oldest son, did the 16 Personalities Test yesterday and they started discussing his strengths and
Continue ReadingI have high cholesterol, now what?
High cholesterol levels can lead to various health issues. Making you susceptible to several serious health diseases such as coronary heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure, it is extremely important to
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