Mental Health Monday

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Mental Health Monday

Below you will find all the posts featured on Mental Health Monday

My Story

Welcome to the first post in the new series called, “Mental Health Monday”. Today I’d like to share my mental health story. I was diagnosed with depression when I was in Grade 12 and 17 years old. I hadn’t eaten properly in 2 years (my parents had gotten divorced when I was 15), slept way to much, had become withdrawn and had suicidal thoughts, among other symptoms. My father was concerned, and rightly so.
Welcome to the first post in the new series called, “Mental Health Monday”. Today I’d like to share my mental health story.
I was diagnosed with depression when I was in Grade 12 and 17 years old. I hadn’t eaten properly in 2 years (my parents had gotten divorced when I was 15), slept way to much, had become withdrawn and had suicidal thoughts, among other symptoms. My father was concerned, and rightly so.

Attention Deficit Disorder

attention deficit disorder
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common childhood disorders. ADHD is a broad term, and the condition can vary from person to person. There are an estimated 6.4 million diagnosed children in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Attention Dificit Hyperactivity Disorder, usually referred to as ADHD, has received quite a bit of attention in the media of late. I was told that Noo, at the age of about 5 or 6, most probably “suffered” from ADHD and that the school system would insist that he be put onto medication before he started Grade 1. This “diagnosis” was given by his, then, nursery school teacher and I was mortified that, instead of finding an alternative to his disruptive behaviour in class (he was finishing his classwork before his peers and would get bored and cause chaos), she practically insisted I speak to our doctor have him prescribe medication. Our story isn’t unique, I’ve heard of conversations with teachers about this from others and as a result, have done extensive research on the subject.

Anxiety Disorders

Occasional anxiety is a normal part of life. You might feel anxious when faced with a problem at work, before taking a test, or making an important decision. But anxiety disorders involve more than temporary worry or fear. For a person with an anxiety disorder, the anxiety does not go away and can get worse over time. The feelings can interfere with daily activities such as job performance, school work, and relationships. There are several different types of anxiety disorders. Examples include generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder.

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain and behavior disorder characterized by severe shifts in a person’s mood and energy, making it difficult for the person to function. More than 5.7 million American adults or 2.6 percent of the population age 18 or older in any given year have bipolar disorder. The condition typically starts in late adolescence or early adulthood, although it can show up in children and in older adults. People often live with the disorder without having it properly diagnosed and treated.


As a person who suffers from depression, I’m still surprised at the lack of information and knowledge the public has. There is so much misinformation relayed between people. My hope is, that with this post, and those that follow, the correct information will be made public.

Insomnia Disorder

insomnia disorder
Both Pixie and I suffer from Insomnia Disorder. Pixie was diagnosed with chronic insomnia when she was 2 years old. She has never slept more than 4 hours at a stretch, unmedicated, and some days she goes without more than 2 hours sleep and appears fine. My insomnia is acute and I go through phases when I can’t sleep. If I am going through a particularly bad patch, I’ll take a sedative to help me fall asleep, however, I don’t like the way it makes me feel, so I don’t use these regularly.


Misophonia, literally “hatred of sound,” is a putative disorder of uncertain classification in which negative emotions, thoughts, and physical reactions are triggered by specific sounds.
There are certain sounds that I absolutely H.A.T.E. Chewing, sniffing, heavy breathing, snoring and repetitive sounds, foot tapping or banging sounds especially, can set off my irritation to a new new level in a split second.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

obsessive compulsive disorder
I often hear people comment that they are “so OCD” and I often wonder if they know what they are actually speaking about. I suffer from a mild form of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and it’s no less difficult to deal with than those who have it more severe. OCD is not something to joke about. Its a real disorder that affects a person’s standard of living and when it’s an extreme case, it can even be life threatening.

Post Natal/Postpartum Depression

postnatal depression
After Noo was born and ended up in the NICU for 4 weeks after birth with Hirschsprung’s Disease, I really struggled with Postnatal Depression. Support from family, friends and our medical doctor, I was able to work through those issues. I also struggled with PND after the birth’s of the younger three children, but, because I was already on antidepressants and The Hubby took 2 weeks off work after each birth, I didn’t feel as helpless as I had after the birth of my first child.

Why the Nature vs Medication Antidepressant Meme has me up in arms

Antidepressant meme
This is an anti Antidepressant Meme that been doing the rounds for the last while and was shared by a Facebook friend last week. This image has all the hallmarks of an ignoramus who doesn’t understand real mental illness and the need for some to use medication.