5 tips to Get Motivated During Lock Down With South Africa officially on lock down for the last 8 days, I've seen many Facebook posts on how people are struggling to cope. Making small routine
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Do you know Flylady?
Who is Flylady and how has she helped me? Marla Cilley is The FlyLady. She does not fly a plane! To keep a long story short, Marla loves to teach people to flyfish. That is
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How to keep your kitchen cabinets well cleaned and organized Keeping your kitchen cabinets well cleaned and organized is important to know where your cutlery, cookery and other stuff are stored. This way you will
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A house should not just a building you live in, it should be a home filled with people and things you love. I have allowed our home to become just a house. We are swamped
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Teachers know that a healthy, nutritious lunch is an essential part of keeping young minds alert and energised to absorb their lessons for the remainder of the day. So to help mothers pack a delicious
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Dinner PartyWinter is a great time for winter parties and entertaining friends. For your next dinner party, why not dazzle with perfectly polished napkin technique.* Name It: Fold the napkin length ways, and then double
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Are you not really up for going out to meet friends for a drink. Not a problem, here is how to pull off a great wine and chocolate tasting party in the comfort of your
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TIPJuice has a number of antioxidants to keep you energised too.CHAMOMILE TEAChamomile tea is a nerve sadative that also eases depression, insomnia and migraines, and helps calm you for meditation.LAVENDER TEALavender tea dispels depression and
Continue ReadingThe Handiest Household Tips
SourceTry these handy tips* To remove old wax from a glass candle stick holder put it in the freezer for a few hours. Then take the candle holder out and turn it upside down.* Immerse
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