5 tips to Get Motivated During Lock Down

5 tips to Get Motivated During Lock Down With South Africa officially on lock down for the last 8 days, I’ve seen many Facebook posts on how people are struggling to cope. Making small routine

5 tips to Get Motivated During Lock Down

5 tips to Get Motivated During Lock Down

With South Africa officially on lock down for the last 8 days, I’ve seen many Facebook posts on how people are struggling to cope. Making small routine changes every day has helped keep me motivated. I have decided to share my 5 tips to get motivated during lock down. Start the day the way you intend for it to continue.

I have been struggling to get the smallest things done. We have been in self isolation for 2 weeks longer than the official lock down and I am starting to go stir crazy! I’m an introvert and generally prefer to stay home. However, being home for nearly a month without going anywhere has really put a strain on me.

My depression and anxiety have been tested like never before and I had a full on meltdown just before the official lock down was announced. I have had to learn to let go of things I cannot control. My dad sent me this image this morning (source unknown) and it is a visual representation of the process I have personally gone through. I’m currently in the Learning Phase.

5 tips to Get Motivated During Lock Down
Source Unknown

Here are the small changes I have made the last few days and its already made a difference in my peace of mind.

1. Make Your Bed

I watched a video this week that really resonated with me. This was my first step into taking back control.

Remarks by Naval Adm. William H. McRaven, BJ ’77, ninth commander of U.S.Special Operations Command, Texas Exes Life Member, and Distinguished Alumnus.

2. Get Dressed to Laced Shoes

As mentioned above, getting the first task of the day is just the beginning. I’ve started getting dressed as if I’m going to leave the house. I have lived in my “lounging” clothes for the past 3 weeks and now get dressed “properly” all the way down to putting my sneakers on. Living in my slippers has not helped with my mind set at all. So this has been a great help with getting my head space back to what it should be.

3. Clean Your Sink

5 tips to Get Motivated During Lock Down

This may sound ridiculous BUT getting all the dishes done when its the last thing we want to do can help with taking back control. I don’t know about you, but I find that if I feel out of control, my kitchen is the first place you can really it. A few years ago, my dear friend in the USA, Mama Jenn, introduced me to the Flylady 31 Beginner BabySteps. The first step is to Shine Your Sink.

Day 1 – Shine Your Sink

After you do this, you will keep it shiny by drying it out after each time you use it and making sure when you go to bed that it is shining so it will make you smile in the morning. This is how I get to hug you each day! That shiny sink is a reflection of the love that you have for yourself.

Our FlyLady system is all about establishing little habits that string together into simple routines to help your day run on automatic pilot. You can do this!

4. Enjoy a Cup of Coffee or Tea

5 tips to Get Motivated During Lock Down

Take a Break. Lock down with children is HARD. Lets face it. Even when they can entertain themselves, they get cabin fever and irritate each other (or you). Find a spot in the house where you can sit and have a cup of coffee or tea. It doesn’t have to be an isolated spot. Just a few minutes where you can sit and reflect on what you want to do for the rest of the day.

5. Set Reachable Goals for the Day

5 tips to Get Motivated During Lock Down

Set small reachable goals for yourself. Reachable is the operative word here. Don’t set a goal that may be unreachable for that day.

For example, sort out your closet. Put things aside you want to donate, or simply swap out your seasonal clothes. Rearrange an area in our living room, or find an untidy spot that needs to be tidied. Get one thing done today that will make you feel better.

Do you have any tips on keeping motivated during this time of uncertainty and the lock down? I’d love to hear them.

Stay Safe

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