In June, at the Kids Emplorium Blogger’s Breakfast, I was fortunate enough to win a weekend away for two at Likweti Lodge from Thompsons Travel. Our room. This door is to die for! Our Room
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Its time for a Momma Playdate
What is a momma playdate? This past weekend, I was honoured to invited by Kids Emporium to their annual Blogger's Breakfast. I couldn't make it last year, so I was really curious as to what
Continue ReadingMental Health Monday ~ Postnatal Depression/Postpartum Depression
After Noo was born and ended up in the NICU for 4 weeks after birth with Hirschsprung's Disease, I really struggled with Postnatal Depression. Support from family, friends and our medical doctor, I was able
Continue ReadingSA Mom Blogs #Jozimeetup
The A.W.E.S.O.M.E ladies from SA Mom Blogs, Heather from One Step at a Time and Laura from Harassed Mom fame, hosted a mom bloggers meet up on Saturday. We had two wonderful speakers, both Mom
Continue ReadingHappy Valentine’s Day
Happy Valentines Day! A little under 11 years ago, The Hubby and I started dating and have been married for almost 7 years. What an amazing, and sometimes hair raising, roller coaster ride it has
Continue ReadingDate night at Madame Zingara
The Hubby got me GOLDEN CIRCLE tickets to Madame Zingara The Queen of Flanders show for Christmas. In celebration of our fifteeth year of magic, Madame Zingara presents the Celebration, our biggest production yet. Thirty
Continue ReadingScrapbooking for Granny
It has been many many years since I have done physical scrapbooking with paper and all the messiness that goes with it. I think the last time I did actual scrapbooking was just before Koko
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Welcome to my new blog, Getting Me back. This blog is vastly different from Monsters Ed and all about me and my journey back to myself. This blog will hopefully evolve as I do. This
Continue ReadingOur “wedding” has been cancelled
Due to some unforeseen circumstances, Steven and I have decided to cancel our wedding which was scheduled for 26 June 2010.
Continue ReadingFriend Makin’ Monday ~ 20 Questions
This week's FMM is hosted by ae filkins.1. Do you cook every night?Yes, I love cooking for my family2. What kind of laundry detergent do you use & why?Omo, no presoaking baby!!! Need that for
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