Friend Makin’ Monday ~ 20 Questions

This week’s FMM is hosted by ae filkins. 1. Do you cook every night?Yes, I love cooking for my family 2. What kind of laundry detergent do you use & why?Omo, no presoaking baby!!! Need


This week’s FMM is hosted by ae filkins.

1. Do you cook every night?
Yes, I love cooking for my family

2. What kind of laundry detergent do you use & why?
Omo, no presoaking baby!!! Need that for the boys

3. Do you do laundry every day or loads at a time?
Every second day

4. How often do you eat out per week?
Very rarely, we don’t eat out much. I prefer to cook. We might eat out once every 2 months or so.

5. Where do you usually eat out?
Usually the Wimpy, they have a play area for the kids, LOL.

6. What is your favorite retail store?

7. What’s your favorite thing to drink?
Peach ice tea

8. Do you take vitamins? What kind?
Yeah, I take LactoCare. Its a post-natal supplement for nursing mothers.

9. What percentage of the household chores to you do?
5 %, I’m one of the lucky few who has a maid 3 times a week.

10. Do your children do chores? {Or will they, did they, etc}
Yes, Duncan (7) is responsible for packing the clean dishes away and making sure sure the living areas of clear of toys by dinner time. he also picks up the doggy doo. Once the “babies” are big enough, they will start sharing chores with their older brother.

11. Do you go to church?
No, but that is really something I want to start doing again.

12. Do you have a housework schedule?
No, refer to question 9

13. Do you keep a working budget?

14. What do you do at night as a family?
We always eat dinner together and on Tuesday’s we have board game night.

15. How do you prepare yourself for a new week?
We run a tight scheduled ship, I have to or the boys are lost, LOL. In saying so, I don’t really prepare myself for the week.

16. What do your mornings look like?
Up by 7:30, breakfast, dress and feed the littlies, tidy the kitchen, see DH off to work and then we start lessons. It is the same every morning morning 5 days a week. Weekends are similar, only I don’t see DH off to work and we don’t school on weekends, LOL.

17. What time do you get up in the mornings?
I try and be up between 7 and 7:30

18. What time do you go to bed at night?
I like to be in bed, sleeping, by 10. However, I have bouts of insomnia which keep me up till 2am

19. How do you manage all of the paperwork that floods into your household? {bills, school work, magazines, ads, etc}
They are supposed to be filed, but, they are usually just piled on top of each other on the document sorter for months before it actually gets done.

20. How do you keep your household organized? {calendars, charts, etc}
Charts, calenders, schedules, menu’s.

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