Vanilla & Lavender Panna Cotta 3 tsp Gelatin 450 ml Cream 80 g Castor Sugar 2 x 2 cm Lavender Sprigs 240 ml Milk 1 Vanilla Pod scraped ( OR) ½ tsp Vanilla Extract Grease

Vanilla & Lavender Panna Cotta
- 3 tsp Gelatin
- 450 ml Cream
- 80 g Castor Sugar
- 2 x 2 cm Lavender Sprigs
- 240 ml Milk
- 1 Vanilla Pod scraped ( OR)
- ½ tsp Vanilla Extract
Grease four dariol moulds (160ml metal moulds)
Sprinkle gelatine and sugar over combined Milk and Cream, lavender sprigs and vanilla pod in small saucepan
Stir over low heat, without boiling, until gelatine and sugar dissolve. (gelatine will be destroyed if mixture boils)
If not using vanilla pod, add vanilla extract at this stage to mixture
Strain into medium jug, cool to room temperature
Gently pour cooled panna cotta into moulds, cover, refrigerate 3 hours or overnight
Turn panna cotta onto serving plates, garnish with lavender and berries
Almond Tuiles
- 2 Egg whites
- ½ tsp Vanilla Extract
- 110 g Castor Sugar
- 55 g Butter (melted and cooled)
- 55 g Flour
- 30 g Flaked Almonds
Preheat oven to 190˚C
Line a baking tray with non-stick baking parchment
Place egg whites in a bowl and beat in sugar with a fork
Egg whites should be frothy
Sift in flour and add vanilla extract
Mix with fork
Add melted butter to the mixture
Stir well
Spread spoonfuls of mixture at least 13 cm apart on prepared baking sheet in the shape you desire (Long shapes, circles triangles etc.)
Sprinkle with flaked almond
Bake in oven for about 6 mins until pale biscuit coloured in the middle and a good brown at the edges
Remove from the oven and cool for a few secs
Lift the biscuits off carefully with a palette knife
Lay them, while still warm and pliable, over the rolling pin to form them into a slightly curved shape
Leave on wire rack to cool completely
When cold, store in a airtight container